NJASECD Presents during SEL4US SEL Day Summit

NJASECD leaders and a panel of New Jersey educators shared the importance of SECD during the nationwide SEL Day Summit with a presentation called “Creating Schools of Character and Social-Emotional Competence: Lessons from New Jersey Schools.” This presentation focused on the connection between Character Education and Social-Emotional Learning and introduced the audience to the Schools…

August 24th Webinar by Matt Davidson

This is a recording of the webinar called “Practical Strategies for Building the Social. Emotional, and Character Development Foundations Needed for Back-to-School Success.” This webinar is sponsored by the Eastern Region of Character.org presented by NJASECD and funded by Character.org, NJASECD, NJ Schools of Character, and Pennsylvania Schools of Character. Click here to view the…

NJASECD Webinar: June 2, 2022

NJASECD sponsored a webinar called “Reducing Stress, Dealing with Differences, Building Community? Character is the Answer!” This webinar featured a keynote conversation with Dr. Nathan Fisher, Dr. Phil Brown, and Dr. Maurice Elias talking about the history of character education, social-emotional learning, and school culture and climate and the importance of these fields in today’s…